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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitrodaze View Post
    I doubt Jos would risk being sued for breach of privacy. I don't think he is that stupid. Besides, if he did, he would not find many friends in the paddock. Which team boss would want a backstabber like that in their team regardless of how well-regarded Max is? There is more to meet the eyes. It is looking more likely that Horner is probably not as innocent as he claims to be. Secondly, he may have rubbed someone influential in Redbull the wrong way and is facing the brunt of that.
    Now the FIA is wading in, transparency may happen and they may have a say on the matter which might complicate things for both Redbull and Horner. The funny thing about the truth, they have a funny way of coming out into the open.
    Jos is not the smartest guy. How many times has been arrested for domestic abuse for his wife and girlfriends?

    Now there is a rumor that Jos has been a little cosy with this women and got angry with Horner calling her.

    Now Horner is an idiot. Who tells somebody to erase his message and then really expects it to happen?

  2. #22
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    I think the real question is, did Horner cross a line and acted in a manner unbecoming of the team principle of a prominent F1 team? Did he just skirt the line, hence why he was found to be without fault? It is always tricky when it comes to matters involving a woman's understanding of what was going on between them and the accused. Many men have had their careers and reputations ruined by women in these situations.

    It is a tricky issue to discuss without coming across as condoning the exploitation of vulnerable women in the shadow of powerful men. Hence why it is always very necessary for men in those situations to always take precautions to avoid any situation that could present an unusual and exploitative interaction with subordinate female staff or coworkers.

    There is a particularly pointing indication that the situation might be unusual and raises the question of whether it was sufficiently exploitative. The outcome of the independent investigation only suggested that whatever it was that went on was not sufficiently exploitative to warrant only further action. This could also imply that the woman is this case may have acted in a manner that normalized the interaction sufficiently for there not to be anything suggesting exploitation. In this situation, it would be a simple case of a female staff acting in a manner that might be seen as encouraging unsuitable interaction between herself; a single female, and a married man at a place of work.

    But the outcome may not have dispelled the notion that whatever the situation was, Horner could not be seen to have taken suitable steps to not allow an unusual interaction from taking place. All of this is pure speculation, of course, as we are not privy to the facts of the matter.

    As is usually the case, the world frowns at the man in these situations. Very little consideration is given to the contribution of the woman at the center of the fiasco. As always, the man has the most to lose in these circumstances. Assuming that Redbull has not orchestrated a cover-up, if actual harm was done.

    After all, Redbull is at risk of introducing long-lasting disruption to the stability of the team if they choose to oust Horner. Stability which incidentally, Horner has orchestrated from the outset. Some may venture to say it is in the best interest of Redbull to brush this matter under the carpet. Others might say, that there was sufficient opposition within Redbull to wish to oust Horner if there was enough of a case to do so. Hence may not have been a cover-up.
    Last edited by Nitrodaze; 6th March 2024 at 18:02.
    Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
    William Shakespeare

  3. #23
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    Well once again, another turn of events so the speculation can start all over. People just want to air the dirty laundry I guess....

    With the Horner and RB statements, it seems to me they are fairly confident that the right decision was made already, and that if the accuser decides to make it a legal case it won't end well for her. In either case suspending her with pay and making it clear of any appeal window through the company, they have sent a strong message they they won't settle for trial by public opinion.

    And to be honest, in this day and age stating things like "it's always a woman" and "the man has the most to lose" or similar is just crap. This game has played out both ways, and women have been the ones in the hot seat as well. Not to mention have lost jobs, and other such penalties the same as men are subject to.

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